Making the Most of a Minimal Budget. Contact me at: or on Twitter: @skintsailor

Thursday 8 August 2013

Work In Progress.

Well, I've made up the wiring for Sprite II's engine, so it can now be connected to the charging circuit. So when it goes back on the boat it will be complete. As long as I fathom out which connection is positive and which negative. I always use opposite connectors on each wire so you automatically know which is which on cars and stuff, but the previous owner put the same connections on each wire. Something that I might change in future as it reduces the chances of a cock-up and crossed wires causing damage later on.

Despite handing in my mooring application to Langstone Harbour board on Sunday, I still haven't heard anything back from them, so I'll be giving them a visit this morning to try and get a mud mooring sorted. Then I either make my own sinker and bridle, pay someone else to make and lay one or just find a disused buoy like everyone else! On the plus side my insurance documents came through yesterday.

Its interesting that the other day we saw men in yellow coats along the shore and it looks like the long-awaited clearance of the shore is starting. Portsmouth university own a substantial part of the shoreline at Eastney and a few months ago they put up signs declaring the boundaries of their property and notes to the effect that any boats left on their property will be removed at the owners expense. Hence my friend Jim, who'd had his boat on the shore for ease of access (he's not a sprightly lad!) moved to a mud mooring. It looks as though yesterday's exercise was affixing notices to the boats so I doubt it'll be long before the clearance starts. The thing is, among the wrecks and the scabby boats (you know, the ones that either don't float or haven't seen a lick of paint in years), there are a couple of nice ones including a 23' Snapdragon drop keeler. Its a shame as I've not seen it move for probably a year. I think the owner must regularly visit it, as the beaching legs go from under it every now and then and then a couple of days later it appears the legs are back ok again. I'm not sure sinking into the soft mud twice a day would do much for the keel mechanism if he moved it into the middle of the pool.

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