Making the Most of a Minimal Budget. Contact me at: or on Twitter: @skintsailor

Saturday 16 August 2014

Busy Weekend.

Today was busy, most of the day taken up with moving my son's boyfriend from Brighton, but I eventually got to the boat, but the wind was a bit too strong to mess with the sails.

I need to do a few jobs on the rigging to see if it makes things better.

The jib needs to be a bit higher so it doesn't catch on the pulpit. I need a longer shackle for the lower part and it needs a pulling up the foil with some tension in it.

The main sail needs help with fine tuning. Hauling the sail up is fine now, but the bits of rigging that pull it down, add tension and flatten it need some work.

So I'm off to Fort Purbrook tomorrow for the Portsmouth boat jumble there. I hope the weather is ok. Lets see how cheap I can source my bits.

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